Blacklist Lookup FREE Tool - 100% FREE blacklist Checker Tool | SEOToolsNet

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Blacklist Lookup

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About Blacklist Lookup

Blacklist Lookup: This tool is the best tool to know the website is in blacklist or not. The website gets blacklisted if that found spammed or any other issue. Some people use their website to do some wrong work like hacking of websites. This is a free tool to know the blacklisted files or web pages.


Use of Blacklist Lookup

This smoothly and quickly works. This tells the blacklisted files which are spammed. If you know the IP address of your domain name, you can check whether your file is blacklisted or not. just enter the IP address of your website and hit on the check and get results.   

Blacklist Lookup is a free SEO tool that can help you determine if your website has been blacklisted by any search engines or anti-spam organizations. This tool is essential for maintaining the integrity and reputation of your website and can help you identify and resolve any issues that may be causing your site to be penalized or blocked.

Step 1: Visit the Blacklist Lookup website

To use this tool, simply visit the Blacklist Lookup website and enter the URL of your website into the search bar.

Step 2: Check your website against multiple blacklists

Once you have entered your website's URL, the tool will check your website against multiple blacklists, including Google Safe Browsing, Spamhaus, and Norton Safe Web. This will allow you to see if your website has been flagged for any suspicious or malicious activity.

Step 3: Review the results

Once the tool has finished checking your website, it will display the results in an easy-to-read format. If your website has been flagged by any of the blacklists, you will see a red icon next to the blacklist's name. If your website has not been flagged, you will see a green icon.

Step 4: Resolve any issues

If your website has been flagged by any of the blacklists, it's important to take action to resolve the issue. The tool will provide you with detailed information about the reason for the blacklisting, such as malware or spam. It will also provide you with steps on how to resolve the issue and get your website removed from the blacklist.

Step 5: Check your website regularly

It's important to regularly check your website using the Blacklist Lookup tool to ensure that it remains in good standing with search engines and anti-spam organizations. This will help you catch any issues early on and prevent them from causing more serious problems in the future.


Blacklist Lookup is a free, easy-to-use tool that can help you maintain the integrity and reputation of your website. By regularly checking your website against multiple blacklists, you can ensure that your site remains in good standing with search engines and anti-spam organizations and that your visitors have a positive experience.