Code to Text Ratio Checker Free Online Tool | SEOToolsNet


Code to Text Ratio Checker


About Code to Text Ratio Checker

Code To Text Ratio Checker: This tool is made to help you to identify the relevancy of a web page. The other thing is that it helps to calculate the percentage of text on a particular web page.

Moreover, there are more chances for a better ranking of your website by search engines only when your website has a high code-to-text ratio, and this will have a positive impact on SEO performance.

Code-to-Text Ratio Checker is a valuable tool for website owners, marketers, and SEO professionals. It helps to identify the proportion of text content on a webpage compared to the code used to create it. The higher the ratio of text to code, the more easily search engines can understand and index the content of the page.

Step 1: Go to the Code to Text Ratio Checker tool.

Step 2: Enter the URL of the webpage you want to check in the URL field.

Step 3: Click on the "Check" button.

Step 4: The tool will analyze the webpage and calculate the code-to-text ratio. This can take a few seconds to a minute, depending on the size of the webpage.

Step 5: The results will be displayed in the form of a percentage, with the text content percentage on the left and the code percentage on the right.

Step 6: A good code-to-text ratio is around 25-30%. If your webpage has a higher ratio, it means that there is more text content than code and it is more easily understood by search engines.

Step 7: If your webpage has a lower ratio, it means that there is more code than text content and it may be less easily understood by search engines. In this case, you may want to consider adding more text content to your webpage or optimizing the existing content.

Step 8: Repeat the process for any other web pages you want to check.

Step 9: Use the results of the Code to Text Ratio Checker to make adjustments to your web pages and improve their search engine optimization.


The Code-to-Text Ratio Checker is a simple and easy-to-use tool that can help website owners, marketers, and SEO professionals to understand the proportion of text content on a webpage compared to the code used to create it. This can help to optimize web pages for search engines and improve the overall performance of a website.